Leigh Young

Leigh Young


My personal interests are my family! I am so grateful to have three lovely daughters, one son-in-law (he is so great and starting to get it that he is an only son in my world) Bob, my perfect husband, and I have three perfect grandchildren. (4 yr old, 2 1/2 yr old and a 7 month old!) Bob and I have lots and lots of Grandparent lessons to dole out! I enjoy people watching. Assisting people in their personal growth is a boon to the world and helps my inner child. Growing up on a small farm in Kalkaska County, I learned to make due and value the gifts Mother Nature endowed us with. I have been given the opportunity to grow through many personal experiences both on the farm and in the factory . Moving from Union hourly to Management, I have seen problems from both sides and understand the value of win-win situations. As a member of G.R.O.W, I have attended meetings for the development of business in Grand Rapids. I volunteer for Catherine's Health Center a not for profit health center specializing in Diabetes patients. Susan G. Komen is a program I recently began volunteering with. Working in vaired environments (from factory to office to management), I have always tried to follow Jaqueline Kennedy, The true test of grace, is the ability to make anyone feel comfortable. When you feel comfortable about your Realtor, you can trust them to assist you in finding the most suitable home. Whether you are purchasing or selling a home, the experience is an exciting one. Whether your move will be across town or to a different state, the change is altering your state of being. Being assisted by an experienced, personable, realtor will render this change seamless.


  • Member of GROW Member of GRAR