Todd Rainsberger came to the real estate industry from an unusual background: television production. After graduating from the University of Southern California with a PhD in Communication, Todd worked for an affiliate of ABC Television, then the athletic department at the University of Florida, and for twelve years he was a Producer and Commentator for ESPN. He produced and/or hosted over 300 shows on ESPN for a program that no one watched called Running and Racing. Along the way he married the amazing Brenda and together they raised a set of twins, Mason and Melissa. They've been married over 40 years and Todd keeps nominating Brenda for some kind of patience award. There was a time when Todd played every sport there was. Now he's reduced to occasionally snow skiing, golfing (poorly) and paddle-boarding. Leaving television, Todd was the president of an Internet company for four years and at the same time did real estate investing. He enjoyed the real estate industry and found it profitable, so he decided to focus on commercial real estate. This was 2004-2007 when even idiots made money in real estate so he was in for a rude awakening starting in 2008. For reasons hard to pinpoint, Todd's unconventional background proved to work quite well in the unique environment of commercial real estate. Despite a challenging market, he quickly became one of the top-producing realtors in the area. Things really took off in 2011, when Todd partnered with son-in-law Beau Beery forming the Beery Rainsberger Group (BRG). BRG has consistently led the market ever since. Todd's main goal is to make sure Beau works hard so he can take good care of wife Melissa and the two handsome grandchildren. And the harder Beau works the more Todd gets to travel, so it's a great partnership. Todd provides the grey hair in the group, or in his case, no hair. Todd has lived in Gainesville for over 50 years.