Diana Legg

Diana Legg


Diana Legg has lived in the Englewood/Rotonda West area for 42 years, believing in giving back to the local community that has served her over the years! As a Licensed Realtor since 2004, she has worked in Administration, Buyer's Agent, Sales and Property Management areas. Her motto is To Provide Professional Service and Professional Results , to owners and tenants alike.Diana is heavily involved the Englewood area community, through the membership of the Englewood/Cape Haze Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club of Placida, and Englewood Networking Group. She is Past Treasurer, and currently the Club Service Board Member of the Rotary Club of Placida. This includes planning and participating in their two annual fund raising events, The Placida Rotary Seafood Festival and the Nautical Fall Festival. In the Englewood/Cape Haze Chamber of Commerce, she is a Leadership Englewood graduate of 2010, along with being on the Leadership Steering Committee, and the annual Pirate Poker Run, ev


  • NAR

Ancillary Expertise

  • Property Management


  • English