650 Fort Florida Road DeBary, FL 32713
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This property has approximately 3500' of beautiful Riverfront with high bluffs overlooking the River and a wide variety of terrain. There are literally thousands of Granddaddy Oaks and Magnolias with green pastures. The property has it all for a very high-end private Residential Community. This property along with the adjoining 170 acres with an asking price of $3,900,000 was previously approved for a total of 250 lots, 35 of them are direct riverfront with boat docks and a 230 single family ODP that included a Marina Clubhouse with launching ramps and parking area for the interior lot owners use. Public water and sewer is within 1/2 mile of the site. additional parcel numbers 9007-00-00-0010, 8031-03-42-0010, 8031-03-45-0010. This is truly a unique property with exceptional beauty
110 acres
Single Family